The Expertise that you need!

Subsidies can be made available to help you start or terminate your activity

You have a project and need advices? You would like to acquire a company or business?

You are considering a company transmission?

We are delighted to inform you that we are accredited by the Walloon Regional authorities in four specific competencies.

This confirms our expertise in the four following domains:

Business Inception expertise :

  • Project identification, customer potential analysis, financial planning, business plan, identification of the best legal construct, etc.
  • Analyse if prospective product or service fits market’s expectations
  • Cost related to the business set-up : administrative management, definition and training related to digital accounting, fiscal and administrative procedures, etc


Company Transmission

(Double accreditation : Sowaccess (please see web-site link) and Walloon Region)

  • Evaluation of transmission or buying opportunities : Evaluation target company, market comparison, summary or detailed report, due diligence (Accounting and/or fiscal) ,
  • Consulting cost related to company buying

During the life of your company or after a while?

  • You want to step back and need help for the setting up of management dashboards, or key performance indicators ? Need analytic or project based accounting?
  • You want an analysis of your customer portfolio?
  • You want to invest but need objective and measurable criterri ?
  • Your activity is growing steadily ?
  • Your activity is stalling and your need advices ?
  • You consider restructuring  ?

We can help you with :

Strategic Consulting :

  • Strategic differentiation advices
  • Commercial development advices


Operational Excellence with helping company taking the next steps

  • Action plan aiming at optimising resources;
  • Action plan resulting from an operational audit
  • Operational procedures’ audit and resulting improvement plan monitoring
  • Training to practice operational excellence methods
cheques entreprises avec bufiscom à wavre

You want to benefit from the Walloon Region subsidies ?